Subscribe to Original Gossip band on youtube
3/22 Thursday 8pm Mr Beerys
3/15 Friday 8-11pm Finley's of Green St Huntington special appearance The Say
5/18 Saturday 5/18 Montauk Music
1:25 Main Stage, 5:00 Shagwong,
9:00 Memory Motel
6/29 Montauk Main Stage 2:20
7/21 Sunday Great South Bay Music 2:30 Jambalaya stage
8/24 Finley's of Green street 8pm
9/15 Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of fame
10/6 Mineola Street Fair 12:00
10/13 The Warehouse 9:30
11/23 Saturday Murphapalooza Whiskey Rocks 7pm
11/24 Sunday ALS Benefit Music starts at 2pm
12/1 Long Island Music & Entertainment Hall of fame 20th anniversary celebration.
2/16 Mr Beery's Fundraiser
4/19 The Nutty Irishman Long Island Original Music Showcase
5/15 - 5/18 Montauk Music Festival
Revolution 12/19 Grimm Jack Christmas 2019 show
KJ Farrell's Back yard Series 9/1/20
The Bitter End 8/6 8pm
Contact Original Gossip Band for Live Performances
At this time Original Gossip Is busy creating New Music in the Studio. Stay tuned for more up coming live show's.
we have a new song called
Front Liners its dedicated to all the front line workers during this Pandemic
go to the video page there is a link to our youtube channel.
Be safe and stay Healthy
View our video page to see videos
and links to Newly released videos
on YouTube
Check out our media page for all media coverage.
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